

School Fit Outs in Melbourne At Flux Commercial

The interior and the surrounding environment of any educational premises impacts the learning and academic performance of the student. Therefore, it is imperative to focus on designing the interior of the premises. One of the best ways to achieve a functional and lively educational space is by upgrading your existing interior design with contemporary school fit outs.

For several years now, we have been delivering innovative education and school fit outs throughout Melbourne. We are highly experienced in delivering contemporary school fit outs and pride ourselves on providing unique, innovative interior transformations that best suits any educational premises.


Education Fit Out in Melbourne

At Flux Commercial, we help you design and build functional education fit outs that meet all challenges in this ever-changing learning environment. From library designs to classroom designs, we can manage to create tailored fit outs solutions for your educational interior designing project.

Our school fit out process is efficient, effective, and affordable. Our professional designers can complete your education fit out project on time, within budget, and with minimum disruption to your premises. We commit to offer you and your students a safe, secure environment by maintaining stringent health and safety standards that adhere to the guidelines of recognised regulatory bodies.

With Flux Commercial, you can rest assured that every step of your fit outs project has meticulous attention to detail. We have a team of professionals that includes talented interior designers, project managers, and fitters who work seamlessly together to ensure your fit out project is delivered on time and within your budget.


An All-Round Education and School Fit Out Service in Melbourne

As a reliable fit outs company in Melbourne, we specialise in delivering a wide range of functional fit outs services to the education sector. We can provide fit out solutions for all areas of your school - from a classroom or library design, school reception and staffroom revamp, school washrooms to breakout area or common room refurbishment.

We understand that all school premises differ from one another. As a result, we offer tailored fit outs solutions that match their interior theme and special style. From designing specialist subject rooms to building an enchanted forest themed library, we can undertake any fit outs project and deliver functional, ergonomic, and top-of-the-line fit outs.

Call us on 1300 822 148 to discuss your school design and fit out project requirements.


Ready to Work with Us?

From helping you create a traditional workspace, to building a modern office for future employees around the globe,
we can design a perfect office for you. get in touch with our professionals who can help you build your future dream office project!


Our Projects

From the initial concept right up to the completion of your fitout or refurbishment,
FLUX will make your project vision come to life on time and on budget.


Alternatively, you can leave your details below, along with a short description of your requirements and we will get back to you asap with all the information you need to plan your office or factory redevelopment.